Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AFP and the web...

We are currently working on getting our web servers and browsers to support AFP content, i.e., you can go onto a web site and if you have the right plug-in loaded in your browser you can directly view AFP that's linked.

So we need to get MIME type of 'application/afp' working I guess - we use IIS so there is no doubt some unpleasant nonsense involved with that.

We have been working on some demo web stuff and we have the various browser plug-ins working so now we need to get them working together.

My hope is to announce this all soon in some public way but I would like to have this working before hand.

1 comment:

  1. Todd this is now fixed.
    I had to do the following...
    1. Open IIS
    2. Right click on the computer name and choose Properties
    3. Click "MIME Types"
    4. Click "New"
    5. A new window will pop up. Add "afp" as the "Extension" and "application/" then click "Ok"
    6. Click "Ok" to close out the "MIME Types" box.
    7. Click "Apply" then "Ok" to close out the properties.
